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What is Team of Two Coaching®?
The most fulfilling yet often overlooked leadership team can begin with two --you and your spouse.  However in this busy fast-paced world, you as a couple may find yourselves in parallel but separate ministries.  Discover how to have a joint vision as a husband and wife team where both of you are vital with clearly defined roles.

Dave and Dawn will coach you to do ministry and life together as a team.  They help you get real, regarding what is and is not working.  You will receive clarity of direction plus practical strategies to help stay on course ... taking you from where you are to where God wants you to be.

​Team of Two Coaching operates on the foundation of 4 pillars:
* Unclutter Your Life
* Discover Your Dream
* Focus On Purpose
* Build A Dream Team

How is Team of Two Coaching®  Delivered?
 Dave and Dawn offer couple coaching, group coaching, speaking and workshops.  Please contact Team of Two Coaching® for further details.

Who Benefits from Team of Two Coaching®?
* Pastoral Couples
* Leadership Couples
* Young Married Couples 
* Retired Couples
* Actually...Any married couple!!

Two Hearts... One Dream
Two Lives... One Theme